
How to send a snap with a cartoon lens  Snapchat is one of the most popular applications on the internet. Users use it to apply multiple filters and stay connected to friends. Find out how to send a snap with the cartoon face lens . New filters and features are available on Snapchat, making sending snaps with a new cartoon face lens easier. The steps to send a snap with the new cartoon face lens It's simple! To get started with Snapchat, open the app and start snapping away. First, you need to click the Explore button and go to search. Search for a new lens filter on Cartoon . Click or hold to select your photo Here, if you want to share your picture with a friend, tap the next button and it'll take you to the record screen. How to Send a Snap with the Cartoon Lens Android, the most popular mobile operating system If you're an Android user and would like to learn how to send a Snap with the Cartoon Lens, here are the steps. First, you need to download "Snapchat" f